Thursday, January 26, 2012

A special message from a lover of Tuna sandwiches

Welcome mortals! We notice you have chosen to tread a path reserved only for those with giant brains and/or brass balls. The aim of this blog is to provide a release for a handful of persons who are, by the standards of most civilizations, weird. That you are here is testament to either your taste (in which case you are to be commended) or your masochism (in which case you are not).

In the coming days, there will be short stories, poetry, comics, rants and whatever it is that takes our fancy. We hope you enjoy what we put in here (not that we care too deeply about what you like, but some of us do harbor fantasies of becoming famous someday) and visit us often.

May this be the first step in a prosperous (for us), enjoyable (for you) and bloody (for all of mankind) journey.

- Nilan