Sunday, January 29, 2012

Call To Arms

The whole world clamors for peace and we have to ask, what is peace? Is it the most brilliantly conceived  advertisement gimmick devised to make anybody who come across it, who talk about it, who fight for it look like a do-gooder ? You support the notion of peace, peace between nations, peace between communities, peace between people, peace between husbands and wives, brothers and sisters. You think by supporting peace, you promote the cause. Amway does far more business than peace. Peace is not John Lennon singing a song.

Peace has never existed nor will it ever exist, peace is a stoned man's lucid dream, peace is a painters false symbolism, peace is a poet’s imaginaruim. Peace is a philosopher’s idea of a joke at human primal nature, the fight for survival. Why do you think wars happen? To ensure the survival of one nation or community to get recourses and land they need to survive and procreate. It’s a “nature thing”, look at plants for instance, you can look at a serene picture of a mountain valley with waterfall and birds having sex, what you don’t see in the picture is the war between one species of plants against another; for water, for sunlight, for minerals in the soil. We humans are not so different. The whole world’s history can be understood by watching the growth of two plants in fast forward. War is a natural survival tool, the divine right of any living creature, wage war to survive .Every great nation in history have been build on the blood, bones and flesh of another, one plant dies and becomes another plants manure, just like our country India was for the British.

So what is peace? Is it the absence of war? There has never been a period of peace mentioned anywhere in history, there has only been an intermittent period of preparation for the next war. 

So what is the peace that you defend and cherish so dearly? It’s nothing more than an advertisement gimmick designed to make guns look more dangerous or else we all would be shooting each other. If the concept of peace is not imprinted on the minds of a society as a whole, how would that society behave? They would be war mongers, they would be sending out legions of armies to the far reaches of the world for control and domination, because the only agenda they have is the survival of their nation at all costs. They understand that if they were white flag lovers they would end up as manure for another nation; this is the secret code for survival of great nations, e.g. U.S.A. Such nations are also the greatest distributor and financier for peace; they promote it to the hilt so other societies buy into it and get plagued by it, so when the respective nation tries and bring in more recourse for its people by waging a war or by annexation, their deranged citizens will protest against their governments with white flags. Because those enlightened minds know if nations understand the ugly truth about peace, their own survival ratio decreases by a few notches, and their fight for survival in this world gets that much harder (everyone has a nuke in their kitty).

You humble folks have all been fooled by propaganda; some smart philosopher tricked your naïve minds. Peace is a dogma well thought, well designed, well advertised and sold like hot cakes. Take up arms, let us invade our neighbors.

by Mithun.M.K

1 comment:

  1. Relevant post! And the picture says it all. US and India are two of the biggest peace spouting nations. One is the largest exporter of arms and ammunition and the other is the largest importer of the same.
